4 Relaxation Gift Basket Ideas for Friends and Family

Do you have a friend’s birthday coming up, and they could use some R&R? How about a co-worker who just needs a break? Why not put together the ultimate gift basket to help them take a load off and pamper themselves? Stress can rob you of your joy, and it is important to make time to rest and restore our body and mind. You can give that to your loved ones through a relaxation gift basket.

The easiest option is to buy a pre-made relaxation gift basket. These gift baskets contain many goodies that friends and families will love. Alternatively, you can put together a custom gift basket will touch their heart. You get to find the right additions based on your theme and give them a way to escape their daily stressors for a while.

Here’s how you do it:

Pick Your Basket: This can be wicker, metal, wood or whatever else you find. The important thing is that it is a sturdy vessel to hold all your items.

Fill It Up: Next comes the little gifts you include because a gift basket is about a bunch of special items to open. Make sure to keep on the theme, but because you are building a relaxation basket, there are many things to choose from.

Decorate the Basket: This is where you can be creative. Start by using ribbons or fancy paper and enclose it in cellophane wrap. Use craft straw or tissue to fill voids and dump a scoop or two of candy for them to discover.

Need some inspiration? Here are four perfect relaxation gift basket ideas:

Idea #1: Spa Day Basket

Who says a spa treatment has to be a rare event? Everyone loves to be pampered, so this is the perfect gift for someone who needs to unwind.

Your spa basket should include essentials like scented lotions, a face and eye mask and bath bombs, but it doesn’t stop there. Put in a plush cotton robe and soft slippers so they can feel comfortable while at the spa. Pick out a few homemade bath bars with herbs and essential oils so they can take a slow bath, and then put in an exfoliating scrub to nourish the body.

A nice bottle of wine and an indulgent snack will help them relax and then hide a massage gift card they can use later when needed.

Idea #2: Meditation Basket

You can give the gift of peace with a thoughtful meditation basket. This should include many items, from a comfortable yoga outfit to essential oils and an infuser.

Download some great guided meditations and soft instrumentals and put them on a memory stick so they can access them anytime they want. A blackout mask is ideal for meditation, and a manifestation journal can help them chart their progress as they create.

Idea #3: Music & Movie Basket

Some people find an emotional release in music and nothing beats the escape of your favourite movies. Pick a selection of songs from artists that your friend loves if they are into jazz. Even better because the greats have recorded all the standards, and you can get lost in song for the day. You could also give them a subscription to spiffy so they can listen to all their best tunes.

People love watching their favourite movies over and over, and it can be a worthwhile escape for a few hours. Or you could help them immerse in a whole season by binge-watching a fun tv series. Make sure to include snacks because there is nothing better than treats while watching shows.

Audio and visual stimulation is healing and calming; this is the basket that keeps giving.

Idea #4: Book Lovers Basket

Do you have a friend that is a bookworm? Novels help you escape the daily stresses, and if your pal loves to read, this basket will make them happy. There are lots of options in a book lover’s basket. Start with the latest release from their favourite author. Then look for a similar style or writing and genre and introduce them to a whole new series.

Add some useable extras like a fancy bookmark and a book holder for their desk. Include an extra large mug and some herbal tea or hot chocolate too. A comfy blanket is perfect so they can snuggle up on the couch, disappear amongst the pages, and throw in a joke book, interesting facts and a gossip magazine. This is a basket that will help them relax.

Gift baskets are a unique way of providing your special someone with a soothing present. You will bring them instant joy, and as they dig through all the contents, they will find many ways to relax. Use these ideas to build your relaxation basket and be proud that you send peace and love to the person who needs it the most.