9 Easy Videography Tips for Beginners

Recording videos is not just about getting a great camera and pressing a button. Do you want to create amazing video content, either for yourself or for someone else? If so, you need to learn more than a few tricks about the art of videography.

You might be completely new to videography or you have already started learning about the basics. Either way, you can study a few techniques to master your photography expertise. These nine videography tips for beginners will set you on your way towards becoming a pro.

Tip #1: Get great videography equipment and learn how to use it

While it’s not impossible to record good videos with cheap equipment, it will be easier if you use quality equipment from the start. You should be ready to invest in the type of videography equipment professionals use.

Alternatively, you can turn to video camera rental instead. You can save money by renting the right video camera and all the equipment you need to capture great videos.

Tip #2: Use a tripod or a harness to keep your camera steady

Professionals don’t capture videos with an unsteady camera unless the concept of their project asks for it. And to keep your camera steady, you need to set it on a tripod.

Alternatively, you could use a camera harness that allows you to carry your gear and mount your camera to your body in a way that allows you to shoot videos without shaking.

As you gain experience as a videographer, you will eventually master the art of shooting videos with a steady hand without needing a tripod or harness. This will allow you to have more freedom.

Tip #3: Learn about composition and framing

Shooting videos is similar to shooting photos: if you don’t want your work to look like the work of an amateur, you need to learn about composition and framing.

The most important rule you need to apply to your video shoots is the rule of thirds. Many video cameras come with a rule of thirds feature, which allows you to make a grid appear on your LCD screen and use it as a guide.

It will look like a tic tac toe grid, and if you want your videos to look more professional, be sure to position your subject in one of the four spots where the lines are forming it intersect.

You also need to know the difference between close, medium, and wide shots.

Tip #4: Make a plan before you start shooting

Having great equipment and knowing how to make the most is only the beginning. Before shooting any video, you need to make a plan.

It’s important to know who the target audience of your video is and what your goal is. Do you want to entertain your audience, present a product, or record an event?

Next, you can create a storyboard, simply a few doodles that will remind you of the different shots you want to shoot for your video.

Tip #5: Capture videos from more than one angle

To create a visually appealing video, you need to capture images from multiple angles. If you simply stand in the corner of a room with your camera and never move or focus on anything, your video will be boring.

Instead, move around whatever you want to capture and shoot from different angles. Do close-ups, medium shots, and wide shots.

Tip #6: Avoid unnecessary zooms and pans

Avoid using your video camera’s zoom if you want to shoot a close-up. Using  handheld camera, the image will get shaky if you zoom or pan and lose some quality. And if you zoom and pan too much, you could even make the viewers of your video feel dizzy.

The best way to get a good close-up is to move closer to whatever you want the viewer to focus on. As for pans, you should only use them when it’s necessary.

Tip #7: Remember that you are capturing audio as well

When you capture a video, you should keep in mind that your camera captures audio.

If you are shooting an interview or a scene for a short film, you should use a good external mic so you can be sure to capture what is being said instead of unwanted background noise. If you are using your camera’s mic, test it to know how close your subject is to capture good audio.

Tip #8: Be sure to name your different clips

Before you start editing your video clips, be sure to name them. This will make the process easier than if you had to go through all your files to search for what you are looking for.

Tip #9: Use a good video editing software

Finally, when editing your video clips to turn them into your final video, use good video editing software. There are free options, and some you have to pay for. Some are simple, and others have many complex features.

No matter which editing software you use, take your time to learn how to make the most of it.