Definition of Malpractice in The Health Care Industry – 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About It

The healthcare industry is a very important industry that is responsible for providing us with quality care to help save and improve our lives. While doctors and other healthcare professionals have very important jobs, they are also held to a high standard to provide great care.

If they do not, they could be charged with malpractice.

While most people have a preconceived notion of what the malpractice is, there are actually several different situations that could be considered malpractice.

1. Violation of Standard of Care

One type of malpractice is when the basic and acceptable standard of care is not provided or is violated.

In these situations, malpractice lawyers will point to whether or not a doctor has violated a set of standards.

These standards can either be written and formal regulations or can even include less formal standards that are widely expected by the public.

If a patient feels that the care they have received is less than standard, they could have a case for malpractice.

2. Negligence Caused Injury

Another type of malpractice occurs when there is an injury that is caused by malpractice.

When undergoing any form of procedure, or even a standard examination, we are putting our lives and well being in the hands of a healthcare professional.

If the doctor or other professional makes a mistake that causes a further injury, they could be charged with malpractice.

In these situations, lawyers will attempt to prove that the injury was caused by negligence as opposed to a random accident that was out of the doctor’s control.


3. Delayed Diagnosis

Another situation that could be considered malpractice is if there is a delayed diagnosis.

There are many different ailments and diseases today that can be considered life-threatening if they are caught too late.

However, if they were to have been caught earlier in the cycle, they could have been treated in some cases.

If it turns out that a patient went in for an examination and an early diagnosis was missed by the physician, it could be a strong indication of overall medical malpractice.


4. Medication Errors

Prescribing medication is one of the most important jobs that a physician has.

A physician will need to be able to review the charts and medical history of a patient to determine what the right course of action should be.

If a physician ends of prescribing a medication that is not good for the patient or affects the effectiveness of another drug, it could put the patient’s life in danger. This is a clear example of neglect that would typically be considered malpractice as well.

5. Anesthesia Errors

Anesthesia is a common form of painkiller that is used in almost all surgeries.

While it is very common to be used, the application of it can be complicated. If someone was to give someone too much or too little, it could have very damaging effects on a patient. This could lead to lifetime injuries or even death.

This type of error is almost always considered neglect and malpractice.