15 Bachelor Flat Decor Ideas for College Students

In the hands of the unskilled, a bachelor flat can be downright depressive to look at. There are many, many ways to brighten things up though. Dozens of décor ideas exist to maximize your space and create something that truly represents you.

Your bachelor apartment can be decorated beautifully based on your personality, habits, and personal style. Here are fifteen the best bachelor flat decor ideas:

Idea #1: Artwork

A go-to bachelor flat decor idea is artwork and pictures. Things that matter to you – i.e. images, interests, personalities, or places – are great to hang on the wall of your flat. It’s an inexpensive way to add something to rooms that are short on space.

Idea #2: Murphy Bed

If you are working with a tight space and are working from home, yikes! You will have to use whatever you have for both sleep, recreation, and work. In that case, a Murphy bed is recommended. Lift it down at night, sleep, and then lift it back up in the morning. It’s easy.

Idea #3: Room Divider

A room divider might seem like the best thing for a large space. Even in a small space though, dividers work well at creating privacy and establishing clear sections. In a bachelor, often everything’s combined. There is no divide. A divider – in a style of your choosing – creates that.

Idea #4: Area Rug

The floor is a great area to cover in décor that speaks to you. An area rug takes up no space beyond what’s underneath your feet. If you have a hardwood floor, it’s also a fine way to maximize protection from furniture scuff marks. Consider a single rug or multiple small ones.

Idea #5: Bookcase

A bookcase is a great way to present items that matter to you, whether it’s books, plants, decorations, or photos. A bookcase or bookshelf is thin and stations flat against the wall, minimizing the space it takes while giving you plenty of area on which to set accent pieces or materials.

Idea #6: Hanging Plants

Space isn’t just horizontal. It’s also vertical. You may have a lot of space unused in a small bachelor, vertically speaking. If this is the case, add in one or two vertical plants. Create a whole garden off the ground or, alternatively, use artificial plants for all of the charm but none of the responsibility or risk.

Idea #7: Mirrors

This can actually backfire on you, especially if you’re apprehensive about regularly seeing your reflection. What a mirror does is add the perception of more space. We don’t recommend installing a plain old mirror. Look at creative mirror designs or craft your own if you have the knowledge and tools available to you.

Idea #8: Bedside Table

There are several unique bedside table ideas that make a lot of sense. Some sit parallel to the wall, pulling down when you need them. Floating bedside tables exist. Also, why not a fold-up bedside table that can be folded down and put underneath your bed – you’ve got options!

Idea #9: Vertical Lighting

Moving back towards the empty vertical space that isn’t being used, move from lamps and standing lighting to lights that are hung down from the ceiling or that are flat with the wall. Numerous trendy lighting fixtures exist that can really add some personality to a bachelor flat.

Idea #10: Curtains

Curtains do not take up very much space at all but can be a key stylistic point to a bachelor space. Search out a specific color or pattern that helps you establish or maintain a décor aesthetic. Curtains are made in a variety of materials. You may even choose to make your own.

Idea #11: Loft Bed

A great place to get inspiration for bachelor flat décor ideas is with tiny homes. Like bachelor apartments, tiny homes have very limited space. Loft beds are incredibly popular in tiny homes. Anyone experienced with DIY may be able to build themselves their own, assuming there’s enough ceiling space for it.

Idea #12: Under-Bed Storage

Some things you are going to want in your bachelor flat no matter what i.e. a bed. If there’s unused space underneath a bed, dresser, or couch, use it for storage with sliding storage compartments.

Idea #13: Over-the-Fridge Organizer

Older fridges may have some space atop them for additional items. Take a step-stool and organize this area to feature things like canned foods, spices, or any items that aren’t naturally sitting well in your kitchen configuration.

Idea #14: Chalkboard Planner

Bachelor flats aren’t known for being tidy. Make yours the exception. Set up a chalkboard day planner. Have the days of the week written out with any appointments or reminders you need. The mere appearance of organization like this will help you feel more organized.

Idea #15: Throws

Throws can be tossed anywhere. They add color and patterns that create interest while also making somewhere feel a little more welcoming. If you have a small corner chair, it’s a great opportunity to toss a throw over it and craft a more decorative piece.