8 Creative Small Business Packaging Ideas

While we all know the big box stores that anchor our malls across the country, 95% of the companies in Canada are small businesses. They operate shops in our communities, cater to local needs, and provide goods and services far and wide.

When you operate a small business, especially in this digital era of online purchasing, you need to ship your products directly to consumers. You want your items to arrive safe and sound while at the same time marketing your brand, so having an eye-catching type of packaging is key.

Let’s go over eight small business packaging ideas for your business.

Idea #1: Printed Packaging

If you want to use standard boxes for shipping your products, why not customize them with printing. You can get your logo printed on the sides of a stock box to make it a mobile billboard for your business. Your brand and colours can be added anywhere on the box without much cost.

This creative small business packaging idea will increase brand recognition. It also shows your customers that you care about your products. Make sure it is positioned upright and prominent on the box with dark ink to be highly visible.

Idea #2: Custom Tape

Your goal is to build a brand and keep those sales rolling in. You also want your packages to arrive intact. Why not do both a the same time with custom printed tape?

You can use colourful designs or your logo along with the custom tape and inspiring messaging. It’s up to you because all you need to do is have artwork ready, and it can be transferred to the tape. It’s another way to stand out from the rest of the pack and give you more real estate to advertise your brand. Besides that, your shipping box is more secure with a strong, supportive seal.

Idea #3: Box-In-Box Packaging

You want your packages to make it to their destination undamaged, so you can use a standard corrugated box for this. Then when the customer opens that box, they find a creative package inside. You don’t have to be concerned with the structure of this package because the outside box already protects it.

Wrap your items in craft paper and use twine to tie them. This creates an artisan look and makes your products memorable. Try old newspaper or vintage wrapping paper for a different look as well. Your customers will love the extra effort you put in.

Idea #4: Packaging Tags

People do a lot of shopping online, and packages arrive at their door regularly. Your shipment will be easier to identify if you include a tag on the outside. This is where you add a bold colour, so it stands out. Include branding on the back and a description on the front, so customers know it’s your product.

Idea #5: Freebees

There is nothing better than getting something for free, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Your customers will love that little gift and remember it when talking to their friends about your product line.

You can use branded novelty items or, better yet, include some other products you sell. You will get positive feedback and have an opportunity to market your other items to them and pick up more sales in the process.

Idea #6: Seasonal Packaging

Another way to stand out as a small business is to customize your packaging for the different seasons and occasions. Seasonal decorations are effective small business packaging ideas.

It can be as simple as having a stamp set with snowflakes or an Easter bunny, as well as fall leaves and a Christmas tree. Take it up a notch with custom printing that you can stock and use as the season changes.

Idea #7: Branded Stickers

Everyone uses plain tape to seal packages and bags for their shipments. You can differentiate yourself from your competitors by custom stickers to seal lids and bags. These can be put on boxes for colourful advertising and added inside your package for a branded freebie.

You’d be surprised what things people put stickers on. It may be their laptop or water bottle, so your brand goes along with them and gives you free advertising when they go out.

Idea #8: Fun Fillers

When you are shipping a package, you want your customers to have fun opening up their items. Adding something inside the package will experience a little extra from your company.

It could be custom tissue paper with your brand printed on it. People love to reuse tissue paper so your logo can live on. A colourful ribbon is a nice touch and gives your products a homemade vibe. Confetti is a fun surprise and is a great addition to your package. It makes your products seem like a special gift, and customers will remember the extra touches you add.

Your small business needs to be creative to increase brand awareness. Implement these eight packaging ideas to rise above your competitors and use your packaging as a billboard for your company.