How to Design Packaging with Good Branding

Most of the products we purchase in our society come wrapped in packaging. Coverings for your items are vital, from the most mundane designs available to the more intuitive looks. They protect the contents inside, but they also have a few secondary effects on the consumer.

The more the packaging looks original or unique, the more inclined a customer is to give it a second look. Encouraging the individual to inspect the packaging’s overall design is crucial to turning a profit.

As with any long-term project, you always want to ensure you lay the groundwork first. Regarding designing a memorable type of packaging, you will have to start with the basics. Ask yourself some key questions at the beginning of this process. For example, what is the end goal of this process?

Will it be to increase brand awareness for your product line? Or are you just looking to get some immediate, short-term profits? Either way, you should always take the time to document your process, as it will play a fundamental role going forward. All great packaging designs are the result of a set, initial foundation.

Here are some tips on how to design packaging that looks visually attractive:

Packaging Colours

The best types of packaging are the ones that evoke a human connection. To reach this level of rapport with a connection, using the right colours is key. Again, you will have to ask yourself some crucial questions concerning your goals. The type of product contained inside the packaging will also play a role.

Many toys that kids play with often come in colourful, vibrant types of packaging. Other consumable products, like coffee bags, will have a consistent approach to their colours. Sometimes, going with as few colours as possible will prove the most effective in the long run!

Packaging Layers

When we think about packaging, most of us will only think about the outer parts of the covering. Since this is the most exposed part of the design, we may believe it is the only part to consider. You may also want to use several layers in and around the product for those designing their packaging.

Inner layers of packaging could accentuate the overall design, making customers appreciate the sentiment. You never know how worthwhile it could be to include some kind of message inside this specific area. By adeptly using layers, you will be able to create a truly memorable design overall.

Custom Tape

Speaking of messaging, there are many ways to include it within the product’s packaging. Take a look at the mundane areas of your packaging. The tape securing the packaging may not be given a second thought when one looks at the tape. However, you could always take it up a few notches.

Custom tape is one of the best ways to create a memorable package in the long run. The tape can be outfitted with a few words or phrases, emphasizing the overall design. It demonstrates that you go the extra mile when trying to leave a great impression. Don’t go overboard with your messaging, and you will be good to go.

Packaging Boxes


Of course, not every product will be placed inside the conventional cardboard box. It will ultimately depend on what type of product is placed inside the packaging. If you go ahead with this most effective covering, you’ll need to consider some factors. For example, is the product a liquid or a solid?

The former will have to be placed inside a bag of some sort, which can be designed to your liking. Always make sure you take the time to give this part some thought. The last thing any business owner wants is to have the wrong type of packaging!

Packaging Design

Once all of your ideas have been implemented, you will need to design the packaging on some software. You can either do it yourself or outsource it to a graphic designer. These professionals will be able to keep your work in a secure place before printing.

The final designs you have should be tested out when possible. Your first couple of packaging designs likely will not be the ones you use in your business. It never hurts to have a few prototypes before settling on a final packaging design!